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Into the Wild, Wild Heart

Stardust falls in
Yellow circles under the street lamps.
The air is damp and full of rhythms.
Cars pass by like incidents,
Insects under the eternal map of Heaven.
The Night becomes my queen
Lending me her gown of poetry.
Arrows of thoughts pierce my old heart
That has taken so many steps
And will take many more on my path.
I escape from the urban jungle,
This kingdom of too many voices,
To follow the whispering trees.
Their leaves weave a song in the wind
Along the shore of the breathing water
That outwears the blood in my veins.
Laying flat on my back under an old tree
I won't need any rhymes to confess
The unending feeling that connects
Every second of my becoming
To the rising tide of the Infinite.

~29. Juli 2015 um 22:52~


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[Hypnopoetic] ~>

Into the wild wild heart

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